We are always amazed by the fate of other people, and often it seems that their actions and lives are much more significant than our own. But, be that as it may, each of us goes our own way, and our struggle or our pliability is unlikely to be understood by anyone else but ourselves. Just because we are normal people.
Jamie Livingston from New York was also an ordinary guy, and you and I would never have known about him if it weren’t for his amazing hobby: for 18 years, he shot with a regular Polaroid every day of his life.

27 May 1979. Jamie with friends at Bard College June 5, 1979 Jamie Livingston took his first self portrait on March 31, 1980. A year after the start of the project, photo in the metro. 26 May 1980. He also liked to photograph his friends. More often they were philosophical pictures. August 11, 1980. Polaroid competitor. 13 June 1981. Jamie was not only a filmmaker and photographer, but he also loved the circus. December 6, 1980. Sometimes his photos had no thematic load.
26 July 1981. Unexpected photo.

7 March 1982 Have you heard something about virtual reality? It seems that Jamie managed to record her birth on April 11, 1982. On the streets of New York, April 19, 1982.

How can you not rejoice in the spring? July 18, 1982. Jamie traveled to Europe on July 22, 1982. This photograph was taken in France.1 января 1983 года. Новый год.
Jan 21, 1983 Jamie is at work. Then he was the music editor of the MTV channel, which had just begun its broadcast.3 April 1984

He sorts the photographs, of which by that time he had already collected 1,500 …5 May 1984. The Polaroid SX-70 proved to be a solid piece of equipment.
3 August 1984 How about without jokes?