No One Believed “Pumpkin Head” Dog Would Survive – Four Weeks Later, He Has Proven Everyone Wrong

Animal enthusiasts in Houston were startled to learn that a gigantic head they saw strolling the streets was, in fact, a dog. This poor dog, whose head was said to be as big as a pumpkin, needed assistance desperately. He was discovered hiding in an abandoned structure, and the local police were promptly called and dispatched to the area to rescue him.

It was difficult to catch the timid and fearful dog. He was obviously scared of people, so the police had to devise a cunning scheme to entice him into a trap and take him out of harm’s way. He was quickly taken to a veterinarian for treatment after being apprehended.

The whole depth of the dog’s experience was revealed at the veterinarian’s office. When he was a little dog, it was found that someone had tied a shoelace around his neck. The lace became tighter with time, severing his flesh. Apart from this brutality, he had also had many fractures in his legs and a crushed pelvis after being struck by a car. In spite of all, he amazingly lived to tell.

At first, he was really afraid, but it seemed like he understood that we wanted to assist him. He gave us the freedom to handle him like a fighter, no matter what we needed to do,” recalls Anna, the person who would eventually adopt him.

Following a month of rigorous veterinary care, Anna brought him home and gave him the name Gus. As time passed, Gus’s actual self emerged, and everyone he came into contact with soon came to adore him. He delighted in socializing with new people and other pets.


When the time came, Anna could not bear to part from Gus, even though she had originally intended to find him a new forever home once he was well. Anna says, “I just felt that I’m not going to let him go. It wasn’t a difficult decision.”

Gus and Anna have a nice life together now. They frequently go to schools where kids can meet and talk to Gus, which is something he loves doing. Many people have been moved by his amazing tale of survival and resiliency, which has sparked protests against animal abuse. Gus and his owner went to a Hollywood event where Gus was named the hero dog of the year.

Gus is obviously loving life now, as evidenced by the twinkle in his eyes. Gus has genuinely emerged as an inspiration and a symbol of hope thanks to his large heart and newfound home.


View Gus’ amazing metamorphosis in this touching video:

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