A 10 year old figure skater went viral after producing one of the most emotional and touching performances you will ever watch in an ice rink

Figure skating stands regarded as one of the most elegant and expressive Olympic sports. Even though it takes a great deal of talent to master the technical techniques in a performance, skaters move elegantly and effortlessly around the ice. The best competitors in the sport aren’t merely skilled in complicated tricks, jumps, and spins.

They stand out for their ability to bring the song to life via their performances by expressing intense passion. You need look no farther than Veronika Zhilina to find someone who embodies this artistry. With her breathtaking routine choreographed to Alexandra Burke’s version of “Hallelujah,” which has since gone viral, Russian figure skater Veronika has enthralled fans.

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A 10 year old figure skater went viral after producing one of the most emotional and touching performances you will ever watch in an ice rink
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